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Beginner’s Guide To Meditation Exercises

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Beginner’s Guide To Meditation Exercises

Beginner’s Guide To Meditation Exercises - Skills For Life Academy Blog - Life and Business Coach

Is the daily stress or the permanent problems you have at work or at home getting to you, affecting your life, health, and happiness?

Then it is about time to consider some meditation exercises. Here are the basic things you need to know!

Why Should I Consider Meditation Exercises?

You are probably asking yourself whether meditation exercises really work and whether their benefits are really substantial. The answer is simple: yes. Meditating presents a wide range of advantages, from better health, a better mood, and better sleep to more energy, vitality, and focus, less stress, less frustration, and fewer worries. It sounds appealing, right? So, in case you have been feeling anxious, depressed, or weak lately, in case you are having sleep and concentration problems or if you simply want to gain those desirable feelings of well-being, calmness, and happiness, you should start considering meditation exercises.

What Do I Need in Order to Start Meditation Exercises?

If you decided that you should give meditating a try, then the first thing you need is determination. It is not like meditation exercises require certain tools or complicated techniques – basically, you just need willpower and desire, in order to benet from meditation. And, of course, you need a bit of time to allocate to your meditation sessions – 15, to 20 minutes every other day is ideal. But there is one rule when thinking about starting to meditate. And that rule is that... there is no successful meditation without relaxation, complete relaxation of the body and mind.

How Can I Relax?

We already established that you need to relax in order to meditate. But is this easy? For a beginner, it might be quite difficult. Most beginners in relaxation and meditation exercises find themselves thinking about daily problems and worries when trying to meditate, instead of clearing their minds and enjoying the state of calmness. Or others get bored when trying to empty their minds. For sure, these can not be called “successful meditation sessions”. Still, even if this happens to you, you should know that you will definitely be better with time and enjoy meditation completely, in case you are determined to make it work.

But let’s start from the beginning. In order to benefit from complete relaxation, you need to start your meditation techniques at the right time. Kids running through the house, a loud TV, and a noisy neighbor might not be the perfect premises to start meditating. You need peace, quietness, a good atmosphere, cozy decor, or a welcoming natural ambient. After you find a peaceful moment, try to let your body relax, push the tension down and loosen your muscles. Feel how your entire body feels better – this will help you clear your mind later on.

Are there Different Types of Meditation Exercises?

There is a great range of meditation exercises, no doubt about that. What you should do, as a beginner, is to try them all and find the one that suits you best. But which are these different types of exercises? You can choose from visualization exercises (when you are picturing positive, beautiful elements, places, or moments), concentration exercises (when you are trying to focus on your body’s sensations and stimulants) breathing exercises (which are used in all types of meditation, as an essential premise) and many more, including specific meditation exercises that regard a better sleep, better appetite, less stress and other problems that need to be eliminated from your daily life.

Remember that if you want good results, you need to continue with your meditation exercises and try to improve yourself on a permanent basis – only like this will you achieve that positive, well-being feeling that you are looking for. Good luck!



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